Sunday, February 3, 2013

a cat nap proves humanity

I will prove to all of you that I am human...

So, I think it's only appropriate I prove my humanity by a nap log. Here is my reasoning...only humans can/need/want to nap and robots never rest; therefore, proving that I nap proves that I am human and proving I am human proves that I'm not a robot. I find that logical.

monday                              2:45-6:07
tuesday                              3:07-4:56
wednesday                        3:48-5:42
thursday                            4:04-6:22
friday                                 N/A
saturday                            3:12-5:56
sunday                              (hasn't happened yet but I'm guestimating
                                          it's going to occur roughly between the
                                          the hours of 2-5)

*The above log may suggest the following:
           #1 I have no life
           #2 I'm pre-diabetic
           #3 I'm so humanly


  1. Your reasoning makes perfect sense

  2. That made me laugh. Nice work. Glad you are human, and for validating that I am human too, based on this logic.

  3. Nap log. Brilliant.

  4. This is good. I really like this post, it made me happy.
